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My Blog

#62 – Get a Life, Legos mutated and Problem Solving



One message: Stop Touting Your Crazy Hours

Stop touting, lead by example, you are making your team feel bad and forcing yourself to pretend to be productive is different than actually being productive, so stop it!

One kickstarter campaign: Edo – Giant cardboard Legos

Like legos but huge and made with cardboard boxes, cheap and perfect for kids to build castles. BONUS: Bouncy, flexible Legos: Flexo

One Simple Innovative: Thinking outside the box

My conclusion either delivery people cares more about TV than bikes, or just have more faith in the sturdiness of bikes? Absolute genius!

One infographic: Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Therapy

Our Brains are complicated but not impossible to understand some of the very basic concepts, it also explains why we do what we do.

One set of toys, army man yoga

I remember playing with little green soldiers as kid, talk about peace over war. I want a set.

My Week

Very busy this week, so posts are much shorter than usual. Hope you don’t mind, maybe you actually like this format better? Let me know