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Weekly top 5 #40 – Rules, Hospitals and Habits

How’s it going? So my new journey has officially began last Monday as I start my first contract role in UK at an consultant agency. The role is a bit more UI and a bit less UX then I imagined but it’s still pretty darn cool.

One Trick
Shorthand for UI flow

From the folks at BaseCamp, an awesomely simple way to draw out UI flow for your web application for early stage products, absolutely zero drawing skills needed.

One Rule
For Developers 

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” ~ John Woods
(I’m so guilty of writing bad ugly hacky code…)

One Video
Design is in the details

IDEO’s Paul Bennett famous TED talk on designing for the user. With examples of how they helped design empathetically for a slightly better experience for patient in the hospital. It’s about designing “From the person out” instead of “Organisation inwards”

One Change
Respecting Woman

Leila Janah tells it beautifully “Men: if you want to help women achieve gender parity in all aspects of life, which is one of the greatest struggles of our time, you can do something. Introduce the women in your life as full human beings with interesting stories, talents, and ambitions, rather than accessories. 

One Site
UX Timeline

A fascinating site showing how different tech companies’ website has evolved over the years, the link about shows how Spotify went from a very boring eyes melting HTML site, to a stylish yet functional product.


[Good] I’m rather enjoying the company I’m working with at the moment. The challenges are interesting, the people are super nice and I’m loving the area (Oxford Circus)
[Bad] Waking up at 7:30am in the morning to the freezing cold