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My Blog

Weekly top 5 #35 – Our brain, training it and understanding it

One Article:
Train your brain to get what you really want

“Never ask advice of someone with whom you wouldn’t want to trade places.” That’s only one example of insightful article on how our brain really works and how to make things happen.

One Video
Five Principles of Persuasive Product Design

An informative talk by Nathalie Nahai, web psychologist (@NathalieNahai) on five principles to bear in mind when designing sticky products.

One fantastic offer
Udemy Black Friday offers – $12 per course

If you want to thrive in business or tech, you have to continue to learn and Udemy is one heck of a platform to help you to do so, even more so when they have promotions that are 95% off. I bought 5 courses, on Javascript, marketing and (not without irony) learning

One Twitter account to follow
@I Am Devloper

Programmers and web dev geeks would understand. Example:
“The Top 100 JavaScript Frameworks of 2015″
ಠ_ಠ this is an issue..

One Tool

Have you ever wanted to focus but couldn’t? or tried to rest but your mind was just too busy? Well it turns out sound wave at particular frequencies can help in just this way. Well worth trying out the free trial.