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Weekly top 5 #37 – My Birthday, Toy Story and Good Memory

One Podcast:
Speaking with memory expert Jim Kwik

Fitness expert speaks with memory master about unlocking the superpowers of speed reading and memory enhancement.

One Shocking Article
Dark side of Toy Story

I’m pretty sure majority of us did not consider Toy Story this way: If the message of most Hollywood entertainment is, “You can be anything you dream of being,” the message of Toy Story is, “No, you can’t.”…A very strange but accurate read

One thing about you
Stress is stressful

A recent Stanford studies shows “Feeling overwhelmed and stressed are two different thing, it’s about how you handle and perceive that stress that can allow you to gain or feel worse.”

One Journal
5 Minute Journal to be Happier

I really like the idea of writing an appreciation journal on a daily basis, I don’t want to go through life rushing by not seeing the beauty that surrounds us, this seems to be a fantastic idea.

One Product
For MacBook/MacBook Pro users

Fancy extra mobile screens with your MacBook? Check out these slightly expensive bracket and monitors


[Good] Been exercising a little more and rather enjoying it, even tried crossfit 🙂
[Good] It’s my birthday
[Bad] It’s my birthday
[Bad] Just 2 weeks till the big move, rather nervous about how little time there is left.