Size: XS

My Work

Building – Yelp for sports and fitness

My roles: CodingPersonal ProjectsPrototype + testingUI DesignUX Design’s mission is to help promote healthy living via regular exercise in Hong Kong. The first phase is test market demand for a comprehensive directory of all sport facility, clubs and organisation available in Hong Kong.

We want to help individuals see the wide variety of sport activity available and help them find the one that meet their personal needs because we believe the best way to encourage regular exercise is to make sure it is something we enjoy!

After the success of the original MVP to test market demand, was in need for an update to improve the usability, aesthetics and remove certain technical limitations.

Analysing Existing Data

To test our the original MVP, analytics was tracked from the very beginning of, using this data we were able to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the current site via quantitative user behaviour.

graph web traffic
Website traffic trends from 1st October 2013 to 30th April 2014 2016-01-26 18-13-46
Device trends from 1st October 2013 to 30th April 2014

Further Research

A survey was used to better understand user’s current exercise level and to find out what they look for when deciding to join a sports club or gym. These data allowed us to better design contents structure throughout the site, and to better recommend sports clubs in what to include on their site profile pages


User Journey Map and Persona

The Redesign

Looking at the data gathered as well as general technology trend, it is obvious mobile devices will continue to play a major role for consumer websites.

Although the original website was created to be responsive and usable on mobiles, there were plenty of space for improvement. With version two, the focus was to design and code the to be mobile first, whilst also leaving space for enhancements.


Key Requirements

  1. Mobile First, must function well on mobile as well as desktop
  2. Improve search (by sports name, club name or sports type)
  3. Better Filtering system (using facet search) for all Location and Sports type listing pages
  4. More emphasis on logos and photos on sport detail pages

The Result

Most obvious improvement to is page loading time has now drastically reduced. Within the first two months of the new design release, website traffic grew by 28%, active (14 days) users increased 12% and the bounce rate decreased by 20%.