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Weekly Top 5 #22 – 4th May 2015

One Podcast:
Zen Foudner: Raising Entrepreneurial Kids

Although I do not yet have any kids, I do think about our current education system a lot and I don’t mean just what kids are taught in school, it really should start from the home and it should be FUN, another fantastic podcast.

One Video:
ASAP Science: The Scientific Power of Meditation

A quick 3 minutes video on how meditation effects our mind and why you should try it (even just 2 minutes a day) I strongly believe in the power of deep breathes to help stress and anxiety (both of which I suffer from recently)

One Article:
Process for Optimizing and Understanding Network Diffusion

A fascinating article on the Pound, the tool BuzzFeed use to really understand how social sharing works and the web of connections it creates.

One Button…
That does nothing but it still makes you happier

The human mind is such a funny thing, we actually like being lied to. We desire control so much that the “illusion of control” can greatly improve our experience of uncontrollable outcomes

One Shameless Plug:

Yes, this is my own work and I am proudly and shamelessly featuring it in my own newsletter…because it’s mind. It’s still powered by wordpress but aside from some standard plugins, it’s mostly my own design and code which I admit is not perfect but at least now I can have much better control of the site and it’s future development. Can’t wait to finally execute some of my ideas.

Project progress

[Good] has launched, been getting much better at command line, Git and Sketch. It’s challenging but also rewarding
[Bad] Failing really badly at sleeping before 12:30 and have mental block on meditation lately, not really sure why.
[Goals] Half way through my 10,000 Push ups challenge, I need to keep up with 360 push ups per day to complete it. Chest and shoulders are incredibly sore, fingers cross with it easing up
Have a good week everyone. Would love to hear what you think of this week’s newsletter, please do email me back.Chi