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UX & Product Designer - Chi Wai Li

My Blog


Weekly Top 5 #20 – 12th Apr 2015

One Slide deck:
10 Startup business Puzzles Visualised through the Platform Stack

What is a platform in terms of the startup world? Why does some platform do better than others? “How Airbnb beat Craigslist”, “How Youtube and Vimeo continue to coexist” and “Why Medium is so powerful for writers”
[slideshare id=45932835&doc=platformthinkinglabsstartupbusinesspuzzles-150317060126-conversion-gate01]

One Font for Designers:

Tired of using Lorem Ipsum for your designs? Check out blokk font that might just do the trick (half joking), handy for quick mock ups. Alternatively there’s also the corporate jargon version.

One Article:
What I’d tell myself about startups if I could go back 5 years.

A simple but truthful list of 63 points on what developer Ben Dixon had learnt about startup over the past 5 years, well worth a look. Items includes “2. Someone’s always already working on the same idea and that’s not a bad thing” and “52. That was not “your idea” unless you shipped something, otherwise I invented Facebook, Nest and Oculus Rift”

One informative and funny Video:
John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden

Last Week Tonight host John Oliver shows exactly how important it is to put things in context, talk about mass government surveillance and no one bats an eye lid but put it into everyday context such as personal photos… you’ll get another reaction.

One Experiment:
Space Nutrients Station

I’ve already mentioned 100% Food (Space Nutrient Station) before, after being inspired by a friend experimenting on Soylent, I’ve decided to give it a go. Currently only replacing lunch with the liquid food, soon I’ll replace it with both lunch and breakfast, I’ll write more about this next week.