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Why I think Google will win

If i have to put my live money between the current tech leaders: Google, Microsoft and Apple. I would definitely put them on Google.
As an self proclaimed entrepreneur, I have done a fair amount of reading on businesses and startups and one of the most regularly recited advice is to “Fail early and fail often”. It doesn’t matter if they don’t work out, its better to have tried something than to have done nothing. the only way you can guarantee an successful idea is to have shit loads of it.  So work until you find something that sticks
Now combine this idea with what Edward De Bono say about lateral thinking. The first solution does not mean the best solution and you should always keep on looking. Most businesses are only willing to look at directions that works for them, in Microsofts case this is making computers, Google it was advertising, facebook it was social media and amazon was ecommerce. They all expand slowly in various directions to expand their businesses, but hardly any are willing to seek brave new ideas. Google was and still very much KING in the world of advertising and CCP, it was a very pleasant surprise when they took on the Mobile market with the purchase of the Android system and opening it up to hardwre developers. Which worked out really well. The amazing thing is, they didn’t stop there, they are keeping up with various tests and experiements into anything that is driven by technology. this is great The Nexus Q may not win against Apple TV, but the Google Glasses are definitely turning  a few heads. its great for them to carry on their various tests into different arenas. It doesnt matter if they tried and failed at different social media platforms, as long as they are still willing to test ideas like a startup with nothing to loose. They will carry on being great.
I know apple is doing similar with their oh so secretive labs, but it just feels they lack soul and excitement. The iPhone and iPad are amazing success stories and it was a brilliant play by the late great Steve Jobs but how many of that kind leaps did Apple take? Microsoft will continue being the marry giant as they are, but i can’t see them doing anything completely new. Amazon is one to watch out for, I admire Jeff Bezos, he is a fantastic visionary leader.
By pure coincidence, I saw an article on The Next Web  regarding a Pinterest board called the Google Graveyard, a collection of cancelled Google projects. On the surface and most likely by the creator’s intent was to make a joke out of all of Google’s failed services. but I’m looking at it from a different angle. I think this is more like Google’s battle scar, showing they have fought many battles and even lost a few, but it’s ok to keep on trying. A mentality entrepreneur should never forget.