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Silly mistakes with typos

So I managed to get my app working fairly well. All looking good on the table, as in, the desktop emulator (Bad pun I know) but for some strange reason I could not get my prefab .awd model to show on my phone. I thought if i works in one place it should work in another. After a lot of frustration i found out it was a typo, i had an capital “H” when i should have had a lowercase “h”. That was it! So the emulator was happy to accept it as the same, but my android phone weren’t. Lesson learnt. 

Stage Width

When working in flash don’t use stage.width, use stage.stageWidth and the same for height. 

It’s useful to use stage.width to center your flash elements regardless of the stage size. 

Skinning Sliders

As mentioned on this post, to change the slider you must extend from the slider class first