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Weekly Top 5 #18 – 29th Mar 2015

One guide to Public Speaking:

Because “imagine everyone’s naked” is terrible advice! A very handy website with a bunch of powerful advice on public speaking – something I’ve had trouble with in the past.

One Video:
Agile programming — for your family

(M, you’d like this) I’ve never really associated programming management with family life and raising kids but this Ted Video is pretty darn nice, funny too.

One Tool:
Learn Photography the easy way – Online Simulator

Ever wondered what all those numbers on your camera means and how to get those blurry background (Bokeh effect)? This free online simulator is just the thing. Super easy to use

One Book:
Made to Stick

Currently reading this book on why some ideas stick and spread while others just fizzle away? This book breaks everything down so you too can start spreading your ideas.

Made to Stick

One Principle:
“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”

Something I’ve heard twice in this week, this principle not only applies to families but also successful individuals and companies – Which is great news, it means there’s a pattern for us to learn from