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5 cool things – 24 Nov 2014 #4

One Interesting Test:
How good are you at reading body language

A fun little test on body languages, rather disappointed I only had 13/20 correct. Rather like the explanations too.

One Podcast:
This Week in Startups, “Young Guns” round table

In my personal opinion, Jason Calacanis can be a bit pushy sometimes but he is very good at getting good guests to talk about interesting things.

One Website:
Cognitive lode – Simple advice on product psychology 

A really nifty website with an assortment of research based tips for designing better products, presented in a fun and easy to understand manner.

One Article:
The End Of Apps As We Know them

A fascinating exercise in imagining how we will interact with digital devices in the not too distant future, where apps could become invisible.

One Strange Product:
Space Nutrient Station (Similar to Soylent)

If I am honest, eating for me is not always about the enjoyment. I’m sometimes just feeding myself to not be hungry, this could be the answer I’ve been looking for.