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5 cool things #2

I can’t believe it has been another week already, which is exactly the point behind these newsletters. To hold me accountable and make sure there are steady progress and to share interesting things I’ve discovered.
A few of you had expressed the previous email was too long, so i’m limiting to just talk about 5 items a week. Progress

[+] Booked a venue and date for “Crash course in Online marketing for PTs & Sport Coaches“, ended up moving the date to 30th Nov at the Moon Moo Kwan studio / dojang in TST.
[+] More sports clubs are getting in touch to get listed on the site, still need to work out how did they find out about us.
[-] Only sent out 3 invites this week, and added 2 studios to my site and I don’t necessarily feel this is the way to go. Sports and Fitness definitely but not so sure about just a sports directory
[-] is getting hacked up to 150 of times a day, taking out my server by forcing multiple resets. Have taken some precautions to protect the site. I guess this is the price to pay for good traffic?

Five things that I found interesting

Ever week I will list just 5 things that I found interesting, it could be a website, an app, a Kickstarter campaign or new flavour of chocolate…whatever.

One Article: Geek Mental Help Week: Ed Finkler on anxiety and attention disorders

Please read this, I have experienced bouts of depression and anxiety and I can really related to what is talked about here, specially How “the anxiety made the IBS worse, and the IBS made my anxiety worse, ad infinitum.” its not really something you can just shake of, it’s important we don’t pretend it doesn’t exist and talk about it.

One Kickstarter Project: Designers Inbetween Documentary

inbetweenA commentary about Hong Kong’s unique balance for designers, makers, entrepreneurs and adventure seekers. Also might show why I love HK so much

One Podcast: Tim Ferriss chats with Tony Robbins

Tim Ferriss interviews Tony Robbins, I promise no more Tim Ferriss for at least a few weeks, I admit I am a big fan and this was a good one, Tony Robbins is one of the best performance coach in the world. Ever heard of Cryotherapy? Neither have I, but it is fascinating.

One Book: What I wish I knew when I was 20

Tina Seelig’s “What I wish I knew when I was 20”  is still one of my favourite books, I know what the title suggest, I read it when I was 27 and it was definitely not too late. I was incredibly lucky to meet Tina in person when we were at Stanford.

One idea: 食藥 app

I’ve been down with some sort of infection recently and had a whole mountain of pills to take. Unfortunately I’m rather poor at taking my meds at the right time. it doesn’t help when there were so complicated:

  • 2 x Take every 4 hours (One only when I have stomach ache)
  • 2 x Take every 6 hours (One only when I have headaches)
  • 3 x Take every 12 hours

I tried setting an alarm but it was too much effort, naturally i went on the Android market to see if there were any good “Take your meds” app, there were some but they were pretty ugly and didn’t have the photo function I had in mind. Could be useful for elders and the sick.
Was this newsletter still too long? too boring maybe? Click here to do so privately and not bruise my ego or comment below.So, what do you think?
You are of course welcomed to unsubscribe at any time with the button below, I promise I will not be offended in any way 🙂