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My Startup Project:

Several months ago, I had the idea of developing, a website that promotes sports and fitness as well as provide a comprehensive listing of all Sports clubs, Yoga studios, Martial Dojos and Training Gyms available in Hong Kong. I wanted to build this website because I’ve been wanting to work on my own project for sometime now and I do firmly believe it is a genuine solution for individuals looking to be healthier but are struggling to make it happen, my leap of faith presumption is if people find an activity they enjoy, they would actually stick with it.

I love feeling good and hate getting headaches

The title might be true for many people, but how many are willing to do something about it. There’s always too much work, not enough tired, too tired, a good show is on TV, have to waste time on the internet and play that game on my phone. I personally love that feeling of pure bliss after a good training session or a fun game of badminton, I would rather have that then to give my any of the excuse above. I’m hoping others will feel the same way with the help of useful and interesting health related information through the platform.

Will it work?

Frankly, i have no idea if this idea would work or not, but i am going to give it a good shot. First month alone after the soft launch, I had over 500 unique visitors, which I think is a pretty good for zero marketing .

Phase 1: the ugly baby I love

I would openly admit, the current version of is built using a premium wordpress theme as base and was heavily customised to fit my needs. It’s pretty darn ugly, doesn’t exact “sell” and has performance issues, but at least it’s out there, as said many times “Better done than perfect”, this is an MVP to test reaction and I think so far it’s relatively positive, enough to convince me to move forward with it.
Big Thanks to my friend Kenny Li for making me push this out.

What’s next?

I’m currently trying to apply for some funding for the project, with or without funding, I am determined to make it happen.  Moving forward my aims are

  1. Develop high quality contents (Text articles and Infographics)
  2. Expand listing for gyms
  3. Get gyms to sign up for premium plans
  4. Redesign the site (Really want to do this NOW, but content is King, so most work on that first)

What do you think?

So what do you think about so far? I would love to hear your thoughts using the form below.