Size: XS

Product Designer Chi Wai Li



5 cool things 14-12-2014 #6

One fascinated read:

One for the UX folks, on how Chinese Mobile app UI differs from those in the west. I personally feel some should be adapted too.

One thing on Security:
Dark Side of Two Factor Authentication

Should you secure all your important accounts (Gmail, Dropbox, Bank account) with Two-factor verifications, YES! Is there a down side? Maybe

One Stupid Product:
Stamp Your Face

No, this is not an invite to step on my face, it’s dumber than that, you send them a photo of your face and they put it on a rubber stamp… not sure why

One Game for Designers:
Helvetica Vs Arial

Are you a Helvetica lover or hater? Can you even tell the difference between the two?

One Chrome Plugin for Xmas:
Better Spelling and Grammar with this Chrome plugin

If you have ever read any of my writing, you would know how much I desperately need this