UX & Product Designer - Chi Wai Li

My Work




Problems deleting directories on server

Wanting to clean up my server from old projects, I went on a delete rampage via my favourite FTP tool Filezilla, boy did that felt good! there’s something about throwing things away and keeping things tidy that makes me smile.
Any how, despite being able to delete all files, i noticed some directories remained. Some over 5 level deep. I first thought it was a permission thing, so I set all the remaining directories and sub-directories to 777 and tried again. but that still didn’t work.
So after a quick google, I found it was because of hidden files within those directories. Basically, as far as the system were concerned, there were files they cannot delete within the directories and therefore the directories can’t be touched neither!  But not that we know it’s easy!

1. Connect to your server
2. Select Server > Force Showing hidden files
3. Select the directories you want to delete
4. hit delete!